Checklists of Flora in Western United States

These abridged and modified lists are based on the work of John Kartesz and the Biota of North America Program (BONAP).

Michael’s Commentary: Since I have to write books and teach classes, I am always faced with those pesky changes in current taxonomy. These are Acrobat and text files of checklists of some of the western states…with special emphasis on changes important in medical botany and to field herbalists. Arranged by Families, you will find ASTERACEÆ listed as COMPOSITÆ, APIACEÆ as UMBELLIFERÆ, etc…I have to draw the line SOMEWHERE…

Checklist of the flora of ARIZONA

Checklist of the flora of CALIFORNIA

Checklist of the flora of COLORADO

Checklist of the flora of IDAHO

Checklist of the flora of MONTANA

Checklist of the flora of NEVADA

Checklist of the flora of NEW MEXICO

Checklist of the flora of OREGON

Checklist of the flora of UTAH

Checklist of the flora of WASHINGTON

Checklist of the flora of WYOMING