Spanish names are in bold italics, and generally reflect those used in Northern Mexico and the Southwestern United States.
Alternate scientific names are in plain italics
Image type:
- PH (JPEG digitalized photograph)
- IM (JPEG color print or lithograph)
- IL (GIF B/W engraving, line drawing or woodprint)
- MKg, MKj (Mimi Kamp gif and jpeg drawing)
- Acacia, White Thorn PH
- Aconite PH#1, PH#2
- Acuyo PH
- Agave, Parry’s PH#1, PH#2, PH#3
- Agrimony PH
- Àlamo PH
- Alegría IM
- Ajenjibre IR
- Aletris PH
- Alfalfa PH, IM
- Algerita PH#1, PH#2
- Algodoncillo PH#1, PH#2
- Alkali Heath MKg, MKj
- Aloe IL
- Aloe vera PH#1, PH#2
- Alpine Bedstraw PH
- Alpine Sweetvetch PH
- Altamisa de Castilla PH, MKg, MKj
- Alum Root, American PH#1, PH#2 , IM, MKg, MKj
- Amaranth IM
- American Alum Root PH#1, PH#2 , IM, MKg, MKj
- American Astragalus (Usable as the Chinese) PH
- American Bearsfoot PH
- American Bistort PH#1, PH#2, PH#3
- American Bupleureum PH
- American Burnet IM
- American Cranberrybush IM
- American Elder IM
- American Ephedra PH#1, PH#2, PH#3, PH#4,MKg, MKj
- American Ginseng IL
- American Hops PH
- American Licorice PH#1, PH#2, PH#3, PH#4, PH#5
- American Lotus PH, IM
- American Mistletoe IM
- American Mandrake PH, IL
- American Plum IM
- American “Sarsaparilla” PH#1, PH#2, PH#3
- American Spikenard PH#1, PH#2, MKg, MKj
- American Storax PH
- American Viburnum IM
- American Wormseed MKg, MKj
- Amole (NM Spanish) PH#1, PH#2
- Amole Lily PH#1, PH#2, MKg, MKj
- Amole Yucca PH
- Amolillo PH#1, PH#2, PH#3, PH#4, PH#5
- Amsonia PH
- Anacahuita PH#1, PH#2
- Anemone – see also Pulsatilla
- Anemone, Desert PH
- Anemone, Haller’s IM
- Anemone, Western PH#1, PH#2
- Anemone, Wood PH
- Angel Trumpet PH
- Angelica sp. IL
- Angelica, Beach PH
- Angelica, Dawson’s PH
- Angelica, Great PH
- Angelica, Hairy PH
- Angelica, Thread-leaved PH#1, PH#2, PH#3
- Angelica, Western PH
- Angelica, Yellow PH
- Antelope Horns PH#1, PH#2, PH#3, PH#4, PH#5
- Apache Plume PH
- Apple IM
- Arbor Vitæ, Western PH#1, PH#2, IL
- Arbutus, Trailing IM
- Arizona Black Cohosh PH
- Arizona Black Walnut PH#1, PH#2
- Arizona Cypress PH
- Arizona Eryngo PH
- Arizona Pennyroyal PH
- Arizona Pincushion PH
- Arizona Sage MKg, MKj
- Arizona Senna PH
- Arizona Skullcap PH
- Arizona Snakeroot PH#1, PH#2, PH#3
- Arizona Valerian PH#1, PH#2
- Arnica, Downy PH
- Arnica, Heart-leaved PH, MKg, MKj
- Arnica, Mexican PH#1, PH#2
- Arnica, “Official” IL
- Arnica, Side-flowered PH#1, PH#2, PH#3
- Arrowhead PH, IM
- Artichoke PH
- Asafoetida IL
- Ash, Lime Prickly PH
- Ash, Manna or Flowering IL
- Ash, Wafer PH
- Aspen PH
- Astragalus, American (usable as Chinese Astragalus) PH
- Astragalus, Chinese PH
- Avens, Purple PH, IM
- Ball Moss PH
- Balm of Gilead Poplar PH#1, PH#2, MKg, MKj
- Balmony PH, IM, IL
- Balsam of Tolu IL
- Balsam of Peru IL
- Balsam Poplar PH#1, PH#2, MKg, MKj
- Balsam Root PH#1, PH#2, PH#3, PH#4, MKg#1, MKj#1, MKg#2, MKJ#2
- Banana Yucca PH#1, PH#2, MKj
- Baneberry PH#1, PH#2, PH#3
- Baptisia, Golden PH#1, PH#2
- Baptisia, Great PH#1, PH#2
- Baptisia, “Official” PH
- Baptisia, Plains or Blue PH#1, PH#2
- Baptisia, White PH
- Barberry, Common IM
- Barberry, Desert PH
- Barberry, Western PH#1, PH#2
- Bayberry IL
- Bayberry, California IL, MKg, MKj
- Bay, California IL, MKg, MKj
- Bear Medicine PH#1, PH#2, PH#3
- Bearberry PH#1, PH#2, PH#3
- Bearsfoot, American PH
- Bearsfoot, Lesser PH
- Beargrass PH
- Bedstraw, Alpine PH
- Bedstraw, Cleavers PH
- Beebalm, Spotted PH
- Beech Drops IM
- Beggar’s Ticks IM
- Bellota de Sabina PH
- Bergamot, Wild PH#1, PH#2
- Bergamot, Hairy Wild IM
- Bergamot, Purple Wild IM
- Bethroot PH
- Betony, Bracted PH
- Betony, Elephant’s Head PH#1, PH#2
- Betony, Giant PH#1, PH#2, PH#3
- Betony, Northern PH
- Betony, Parrot’s Beak PH#1, PH#2
- Betony, Wood IM
- Bidens PH, IM
- Bindweed Heliotrope PH
- Birch-leaved Buckthorn PH
- Bird-of-Paradise PH
- Birdseye Speedwell PH
- Birdsfoot Violet PH
- Bistort, American PH#1, PH#2, PH#3
- Bitter Root PH#1, PH#2, PH#3, IL#1, IL#2
- Bitterbush PH#1 , PH#2
- Bitterroot IM
- Bittersweet, American IM
- Bittersweet Nightshade or Twigs PH, IM, MKg, MKj
- Black Cohosh PH, IL
- Black Cohosh, Arizona PH
- Black Cohosh, Western PH#1, PH#2, MKg, MKj
- Black-Eyed Susan IM
- Blackhaw PH, IM
- Blackhaw, Rusty PH
- Black Sage PH#1, PH#2
- Black Sampson PH#1, PH#2, PH#3, IM
- Black Sanicle PH
- Black Swallow-wort IM
- Bladderwrack IL
- Bleeding Heart PH#1. PH#2
- Bleeding Heart, Garden PH
- Blood Root PH#1, PH#2, PH#3, IL#1, IL#2
- Bluebells, Mountain PH
- Blueberry, Evergreen or Roundleaf MKg, MKj
- Blueberry, Dwarf (Grouse Whortleberry) MKg, MKj
- Blueberry, Western PH
- Blueberry (Whortleberry) MKg, MKj
- Blue Cohosh PH#1, PH#2, PH#3
- Blue Flag PH#1, PH#2, IM , IL
- Blue Flag, Slender PH
- Blue Flag, Western PH#1, PH#2, PH#3
- Blueleaf Greenbriar PH, IM
- Blue, Sage PH
- Blue Toadflax PH
- Blue Vervain PH, IM
- Blue Vervain, Mountain PH
- Boneset PH, IL#1 , IL#2
- Boneset, Purple IM
- Boneset, Western PH
- Bouncing Bet PH
- Bowman’s Root PH
- Bracted Lousewort PH
- Breadroot PH
- Brook Cress PH
- Brooklime PH
- Brook Lobelia PH
- Brook Mint PH, MKg, MKj
- Broom Rape PH
- Broom Rape, Desert PH#1, PH#2
- Broomrape, Mexican PH
- Broom, Scotch PH
- Broom, Spanish PH
- Buckbean PH#1, PH#2, PH#3, PH#4, PH#5, MKg, MKj
- Buck Brush IL, MKg, MKj
- Buckeye, Ohio PH#1, PH#2
- Buckeye, California PH#1, PH#2, IL
- Buckthorn IM
- Buckthorn, Birch-leaved PH
- Buckthorn, California PH#1, PH#2
- Buckwheat Bush PH
- Buckwheat Bush, Mogollon PH#1, PH#2
- Buckwheat Bush, Sulphur MKg, MKj
- Buffalo Root PH
- Bugbane, False PH
- Bugbane, Western PH#1, PH#2, MKg, MKj
- Bugleweed PH#1, PH#2, PH#3
- Bunchberry PH#1, PH#2, PH#3, IM , MKg, MKj
- Bupleureum, American PH
- Burdock, Lesser PH#1, PH#2
- Burnet, American IM
- Bush Morning Glory PH
- Bush Poppy PH
- Bush Potentilla PH#1, PH#2
- Butter-and-Eggs PH, IM, MKg, MKj
- Button Bush PH#1, PH#2, IM, IL
- Button Snakeroot PH
- Button Snakeroot PH#1, PH#2, IM
- Cachana PH#1, PH#2,
- Cactus grandiflorus PH#1, PH#2, IL
- Calabar Bean IL
- Calamus IM, IL
- California Bay IL, MKg, MKj
- California Bayberry IL, MKg, MKj
- California Buckeye PH#1, PH#2, IL
- California Buckthorn PH#1, PH#2
- California False Hellebore PH#1, PH#2
- California Figwort PH, MKg, MKj
- California “Ginseng” PH#1, PH#2
- California Milkweed MKg, MKj
- California Mugwort PH#1, PH#2 , MKg, MKj
- California Poppy PH#1, PH#2, IM, MKg, MKj
- California Sarsaparilla PH#1, PH#2, PH#3, MKg, MKj
- California Slippery Elm PH, IL
- California Snakeroot PH#1, PH#2, MKg, MKj
- California Spikenard PH#1, PH#2, PH#3, MKg, MKj
- California Yerba Buena PH#1, PH#2, PH#3, MKg, MKj
- Calumbo IL
- Calypso Orchid PH#1, PH#2, PH#3, PH#4, PH#5
- Camass Lily (the good stuff) PH
- Camass, Death PH#1 , PH#2
- Camass, Mountain Death PH
- Camphor IL
- Camphor Weed PH#1, PH#2
- Canada Moonseed IM
- Canada Snakeroot PH, IM
- Canadian Hemp PH#1, PH#2, PH#3, IL#1, IL#2
- Canadian Violet PH#1, PH#2
- Cañaigre PH
- Cancer Root PH
- Cañutillo PH#1, PH#2, MKg, MKj
- Cañutillo del Llano IM
- Capsicum IL
- Capulín IM
- Cardamom IL
- Cardinal Flower PH#1, PH#2, PH#3, IM
- Cardo Santo PH#1, PH#2 , PH#3, IM, MKg, MKj
- Carrion Flower IM
- Cascara Sagrada PH, IL#1, IL#2
- Cassia, Purging IL
- Castor Bean Plant PH
- Catnip PH
- Ceanothus, Desert PH#1, PH#2
- Cebadilla (N.M. Spanish) PH#1, PH#2, PH#3, PH#4, PH#5, PH#6
- Cedar, Red PH#1, PH#2, IL
- Celandine, Greater PH#1 , PH#2
- Cenizo PH
- Cereus, Night-Blooming (Desert) PH#1, PH#2, PH#3, PH#4
- Cereus, Night-Blooming (Caribbean) PH#1, PH#2, IL
- Chamiso PH#1, PH#2, PH#3
- Chamiso Hediondo PH#1, PH#2, PH#3, PH#4, IM
- Chamomile PH
- Chán PH
- Chaparral PH
- Chaparro Amargosa PH
- Chaparro Prieto PH
- Charlock IM
- Checker Mallow IM
- Checker Mallow, New Mexico PH
- Chelone PH, IM, IL
- Cherry, Choke IM
- Cherry Laurel IL
- Chichiquelite PH
- Chickweed PH, MKg, MKj
- Chickweed, Field PH
- Chicory IM, IL
- Chiltipiquin PH
- Chimajá PH
- Chinese Astragalus PH
- Chinese Motherwort PH#1, PH#2
- Chinquapin, Western or Golden PH
- Chiricahua Mahonia PH
- Chisos Sage PH
- Choke Cherry IM
- Cineraria maritima PH
- Cinquefoil, Marsh PH (see also Potentilla)
- Cinquefoil, Three-Toothed PH
- Cleavers PH
- Clematis, Western PH
- Clematis, Rocky Mountain PH#1, PH#2
- Cleveland’s Sage PH
- Clover, Red PH#1, PH#2, IM
- Club Moss IL
- Coca IL
- Cochise Sage PH#1, PH#2
- Coffee IL
- Cohosh, Black, Arizona PH
- Cohosh, Black, Western PH#1, PH#2, MKg, MKj
- Cohosh, Black PH, IL
- Cohosh, Blue PH#1, PH#2, PH#3
- Cola Nuts IL
- Colchicum IL
- Colima PH
- Colocynth IL
- Columbo IL
- Colorado Greenthread PH#1, PH#2, PH#3
- Colorado Cough Root PH#1, PH#2, PH#3
- Coltsfoot, Western PH#1, PH#2, MKg, MKj
- Columbine, Blue or Colorado PH#1, PH#2
- Columbine, Yellow PH
- Comfrey PH
- Compass Plant PH
- Coneflower, Lance-Leaved PH#1, PH#2 , PH#3
- Coneflower, Narrow-leaved PH#1, PH#2, PH#3, IM
- Coneflower, Purple PH#1, PH#2, PH#3
- Coneflower, Tennessee PH
- Contrayerba (NM Spanish) PH
- Cota PH#1, PH#2, PH#3
- Cottonwood, Fremont’s PH
- Copa de Oro PH#1, PH#2, PH#3
- Copaiba IL
- Copalqúin (NM Spanish) IL
- Coral Bells IM
- Coral Root PH
- Coral Root, Striped PH
- Coralillo PH#1, PH#2, PH#3
- Cow Parsnip PH#1, PH#2, PH#3
- Coyotillo PH
- Cramp Bark PH, IL
- Cranberry IM
- Cranberrybush, American IM
- Cranesbill PH#1, PH#2, IM
- Crawley PH
- Crawley, Striped PH
- Creosote Bush PH
- Crucifixion Thorn PH
- Cuauachichic PH , MKg, MKj
- Cubeb Berry IL
- Cucumber, Squirting IL
- Cudweed MKg, MKj
- Culantrillo PH#1, PH#2, PH#3, PH#4
- Cup Plant PH#1, PH#2
- Cutleaf Coneflower PH#1, PH#2 , PH#3
- Cutleaf Valerian PH#1 , PH#2
- Cypress, Arizona PH
- Cypress, Monterey IL