Mausert’s Formulas (1932) by OTTO MAUSERT, ND

Michael’s Commentary: Mausert, was a German Naturopath, a Teutonic variation of the more charismatic aspects of the Eclectic and Physiomedicalism populist medical movements of the 19th and early 20th century in North America. This evolved into current Naturopathy, the only surviving face of American Medical Vitalism. He practiced in the San Francisco area before WWII and his formulas were widely sold and used throughout the U.S. in the years before the current “Herbal Rennaisance” that allegedly started in the 1970s (I was there then…and didn’t even notice it). These formulas were sold for years by the original owners of Nature’s Herb Company on Ellis Street in San Francisco, Herb Products (North Hollywood) and Wide World of Herbs (Montreal). Robust, sometimes even hair-raising, these old-timey formulas still work (even though Mausert’s explanations often bordered on overt pseudo-science and genial quackery)

Mausert’s Formulas (1932) (315K)