Prescriber and Clinical Repertory of Medicinal Herbs by Lt. Col. F. Harper-Shove (1938)

A minor masterpiece, long out of print.

Michael’s Commentary: Harper-Shove assembled the first British repertory for herbalists. It follows the same model and organization as the classic homeopathic repertories. I’ve had it around since the early 1970’s, and have frequently referred to it over the years. The complex layout and poorly cleaned type necessitated (for my own sanity) scanning the main text as bitmapped images…the rest is as true text. The layout is 11 x 81/2, two pages across…appropriate for printing.

Part 1 – 112 pages (two across) bookmarked .pdf file 2.3M
Mind, Head, Eye, Ear, Nose, Face, Mouth, Throat, Stomach, Abdomen, Liver, Spleen, Rectum, Urinary, Genitalia, Respiration

Part 2 – 110 pages (two across) bookmarked .pdf file 1.6M
Chest, Back, Extremities, Skin, Sleep, Fever, General, Specific Remedies, Contraindications, Synonyms