Spanish names are in bold italics, and generally reflect those used in Northern Mexico and the Southwestern United States.
Alternate scientific names are in plain italics
Image type:
- PH (JPEG digitalized photograph)
- IM (JPEG color print or lithograph)
- IL (GIF B/W engraving, line drawing or woodprint)
- MKg, MKj (Mimi Kamp gif and jpeg drawing)
- Mad Dog Skullcap PH
- Madrone, Madroño PH#1, PH#2, PH#3, IL, MKg, MKj
- Magnolia, Southern IM
- Mahonia, Chiricahua PH
- Maidenhair Fern PH
- Maidenhair Fern, California PH
- Maidenhair Fern, Western PH#1, PH#2
- Male Fern IL
- Mallow, Checker IM
- Mallow, Low Poppy PH, IM
- Mallow, New Mexico Checker PH
- Mallow, Rose IM#1, IM#2
- Mandrake, American PH, IL
- Manna Ash IL
- Manzanilla PH
Manso – see Yerba Mansa - Manzanita PH#1, PH#2, MKg, MKj
- Mapleleaf Viburnum IM
- Maravilla PH
- Maravilla, White PH
- Marigold, Common PH
- Marijuana PH
- Marrubio IL, MKg, MKj
- Marsh Cinquefoil PH
- Marsh Marigold PH
- Marsh Marigold, two-flowered MKg, MKj
- Marsh Trefoil PH#1, PH#2, PH#3, PH#4, PH#5, MKg, MKj
- Marsh Skullcap PH#1, PH#2 , PH#3
- Mata PH
- Matilija Poppy PH, MKg, MKj
- Maturique, Maturín PH
- Mayapple PH, IL
- Maypop PH, IM
- Mazzard IM
- Meadow Parsnip PH
- Mexican Arnica PH#1, PH#2
- Mexican Broomrape PH
- Mexican Olive PH#1, PH#2
- Mexican Poppy PH
- Mexican Tea MKg, MKj
- Mexican Vervain PH
- Mesquite PH, IL
- Mexican Elder IL
- Mescal Bean PH
- Milk Thistle PH
- Milkweed, California MKg, MKj
- Milkweed, Desert PH#1, PH#2
- Milkweed, Common IM
- Milkweed, Butterfly PH#1, PH#2, IM, IL
- Milkweed, Green PH
- Milkweed, Hybrid PH
- Milkweed, Spider PH#1, PH#2, PH#3, PH#4, PH#5
- Milkweed, Showy PH#1, PH#2
- Milkweed, Texas PH
- Milkweed, White MKg, MKj
- Milkwort, Fringed PH, IM
- Milkwort, Orange IM
- Milkwort, White PH#1, PH#2, PH#3
- Mimbre PH#1, PH#2, IL
- Mint, Brook or Field PH, MKg, MKj
- Mint, Coyote PH#1, PH#2
- Missouri Snakeroot PH#1, PH#2, PH#3
- Mistflower IM
- Mistletoe, American IM
- Mistletoe, Juniper PH
- Monks Pepper PH
- Monkshood PH#1, PH#2
- Monterey, Cypress IL
- Monument Plant PH#1, PH#2, PH#3, PH#4, PH#5, PH#6
- Moonseed, Canada IM
- Moradilla PH
- Mormon Tea PH#1, PH#2, PH#3, PH#4, MKg, MKj
- Morning Glory Tree PH#1, PH#2
- Morning Glory, Bush PH
- Mortonia PH
- Moss, Ball PH
- Moss, Club IL
- Moss, Irish IL
- Moss, Irish IL
- Moss, Icelandic IL
- Moss, Spanish PH
- Motherwort PH
- Motherwort, Chinese PH#1, PH#2
- Mountain Blue Vervain PH
- Mountain Bluebells PH
- Mountain Death Camass PH
- Mountain Lady’s Slipper PH
- Mountain Laurel, Narrow-Leaved IM
- Mountain Laurel IM
- Mountain Laurel, Western PH#1, PH#2, PH#3 , PH#4
- Mountain Mahagony PH
- Mountain Pea PH, PH#2
- Mountain Sneezeweed PH, MKg, MKj
- Mountain Skullcap PH
- Mountain Sweet Cicely PH
- Moth Mullein PH, IM
- Mugwort, California PH#1, PH#2, MKg, MKj
- Mullein PH, IM, MKg, MKj
- Mullein, Moth PH, IM
- Mullein, Turkey PH, MKg, MKj
- Navajo Tea PH#1, PH#2, PH#3
- Nettle, Horse PH
- Nettle, Stinging PH#1, PH#2
- New Jersey Tea PH
- New Mexico Checker Mallow PH
- Night-Blooming Cereus (Caribbean) PH#1, PH#2, IL
- Night-Blooming Cereus (Desert) PH#1, PH#2, PH#3, PH#4
- Nightshade, White PH
- Nopal PH
- Northern Betony PH
- Nutmeg & Mace IL
- Nux Vomica IL
- Oats PH
- Oats, Wild PH#1, PH#2
- Ocotillo PH#1, PH#2, PH#3, PH#4
- Odontotrichon decomposita PH
- Ohio Buckeye PH#1, PH#2
- One-sided Pyrola PH
- Opium Poppy PH, IL
- Orange Blossom IM
- Orange Polygala IM
- Orchid, Stream PH#1, PH#2
- Orchid, Giant Stream PH#1, PH#2, PH#3 , MKg, Mkj
- Orchis, Fringed PH
- Orchis, Purple Fringed PH
- Ordeal Bean IL
- Oregano de la Sierra PH#1, PH#2, PH#3
- Oregon Gold Thread MKg, MKj
- Oregon Grape PH, IM
- Oregon Grape, Chiricahua PH
- Oregon Grape, Creeping PH#1, PH#2
- Oregon Grape, Shiny PH, MKg, MKj
- Oregon Pepperwood IL, MKg, MKj
- Organ Pipe Cactus PH
- Oriental Storax IL
- Osier, Red PH#1, PH#2
- Oshá PH#1, PH#2, PH#3
- Oxeye Daisy PH, IM
- Painted Trillium PH#1, PH#2
- Pale Wolf Berry PH
- Palmetto, Saw PH#1, PH#2
- Palmetto, Texas PH
- Palmilla (NM Spanish) PH
- Palo Amarillo PH#1, PH#2
- Palo Amarillo PH#1, PH#2, PH#3
- Palo del Muerto PH#1, PH#2
- Parrot’s Beak Betony PH#1, PH#2
- Parry’s Lousewort PH#1, PH#2
- Parsnip, Cow PH#1, PH#2, PH#3
- Parsnip, Meadow PH
- Partridge Berry PH#1, PH#2, IM
- Partridge Pea IM
- Pasque flower, American PH#1, PH#2, PH#3, PH#4, IM, MKg, MKj
- Pasque flower, American(var. multifida) PH
- Pasque Flower, Desert PH
- Pasque Flower, Haller’s IM
- Pasque Flower, Western PH#1, PH#2
- Passion Flower PH, IM
- Passion Flower, Red PH
- Passion Flower, Sonoran PH#1, PH#2
- Passion Flower, Yellow PH
- Pastle, Paxtle PH#1, PH#2
- Pasture Rose IM
- Peach IM
- Pearly Everlasting PH#1, PH#2, IM, MKg, MKj
- Pennyroyal, American PH
- Pennyroyal, Arizona PH
- Pennyroyal, European or True MKg, MKj
- Pennyroyal, False or Mountain PH#1, PH#2
- Pennywort, Salt PH
- Penstemon, Plains IM
- Peony, Western PH#1, PH#2
- Pepper, Bird or Chili IL
- Pepper, Chiltipiquin PH
- Pepper, Monks PH
- Perilla PH
- Periwinkle PH
- Peruvian Bark IL
- Pichichagua PH
- Pie Plant PH
- Pineapple Weed PH
- Pine, Norway IL
- Pinesap IM
- Pine, White IM
- Pink Root PH, IL
- Pipsissewa PH#1, PH#2, PH#3, IL
- Pitcher Plant IM
- Pitcher Sage MKg, MKj
- Plains Penstemon IM
- Plains Senega PH
- Plains Skullcap PH
- Plantain, Common PH
- Plantain, Lance-Leaved IM
- Plantain, Rugel’s IM
- Plantain, Woolly PH
- Pleurisy Root PH#1, PH#2, IM, IL
- Plumajillo PH, IM , MKg, MKj
- Plum, American IM
- Poison Hemlock IL
- Poison Ivy PH
- Poison Ivy IM
- Poison Sumach IM
- Poke PH#1, PH#2, IM
- Poléo PH, MKg, MKj
- Poléo Chino PH
- Polygala, Orange IM
- Polygala, Fringed PH, IM
- Polygala, White PH#1, PH#2, PH#3
- Polymnia PH
- Polypody PH, MKg, MKj
- Pomegranate IL
- Pond Lily, White or Fragrant PH#1, PH#2, IM
- Pond Lily, Yellow PH#1, PH#2, PH#3
- Poñil PH#1, PH#2
- Ponso PH, IM
- Poplar, Balsam PH#1, PH#2, MKg, MKj
- Poppy, Bush PH
- Poppy, California PH#1, PH#2, IM, MKg, MKj
- Poppy, Matilija PH, MKg, MKj
- Poppy, Mexican PH
- Poppy, Prickly PH#1, PH#2, PH#3, IM, MKg, MKj
- Poppy, Opium PH, IL
- Poppy, Red PH
- Porcupine Prickly Pear PH
- Porlieria PH#1, PH#2
- Potentilla, Bush PH#1, PH#2
- Potentilla, Prairie PH
- Prairie Dock PH
- Prairie Gentian PH
- Prairie Gentian PH
- Prairie Germander PH
- Prairie Potentilla PH
- Prairie Skullcap PH#1, PH#2, PH#3, PH#4
- Prickly Ash, Lime PH
- Prickly Pear PH
- Prickly Pear, Porcupine PH
- Prickly Poppy PH#1, PH#2, PH#3, IM, MKg, MKj
- Prince’s Pine PH#1, PH#2, PH#3, IL
- Prodigiosa PH#1, PH#2, PH#3
- Puccoon PH
- Pulsatilla, American PH#1, PH#2, PH#3, PH#4, IM, MKg, MKj
- Pulsatilla, American(var. multifida) PH
- Pulsatilla, Desert PH
- Pulsatilla, Haller’s IM
- Pulsatilla, Western PH#1, PH#2
- Punche IL
- Punche Raton PH
- Punchón PH, IM, MKg, MKj
- Puncture Vine PH
- Purga Macha PH
- Purging Cassia IL
- Purple Avens PH, IM
- Purple Boneset IM
- Purple Loosestrife PH, IM
- Purple Sage PH, MKg, MKj
- Purple “Sage” PH
- Purple Trillium PH, IM
- Purple Wild Bergamot IM
- Pussytoes, Field PH
- Pussy Willow IM
- Pyrola, One-sided PH
- Pyrola, Pink PH