Spanish names are in bold italics, and generally reflect those used in Northern Mexico and the Southwestern United States.
Alternate scientific names are in plain italics
Image type:
- PH (JPEG digitalized photograph)
- IM (JPEG color print or lithograph)
- IL (GIF B/W engraving, line drawing or woodprint)
- MKg, MKj (Mimi Kamp gif and jpeg drawing)
- Quelite Morado IM
- Quinine IL
- Queen Anne’s Lace IM
- Quinine Bush PH#1, PH#2
- Queen’s Root PH#1, PH#2, PH#3
- Quaker Button IL
- Ragweed, Great IM
- Raìz del Indio PH#1, PH#2, PH#3
- Raspberry PH
- Raspberry, Flowering IM
- Rat Tobacco PH
- Rattlesnake Master PH
- Redbud, Western PH
- Red Cedar PH#1, PH#2, IL
- Red Clover PH#1, PH#2, IM
- Red Dock PH
- Red Elder PH
- Red Indian Paint Brush PH
- Red Osier PH#1, PH#2
- Red Passion Flower PH
- Red Poppy PH
- Red Root PH#1, PH#2, PH#3, PH#4, IL, MKg, MKj
- Red Root, Shrubby PH#1, PH#2
- Red Root, Sticky PH#1, PH#2, MKg, MKj
- Red Sage, Texas PH
- Red “Willow” PH
- Redwood PH#1, PH#2
- Reina de Noche PH#1, PH#2, PH#3, PH#4
- Rhatany PH#1, PH#2
- Rhatany, Desert PH
- Rhatany, White PH
- Rhubarb IL
- Rock Spiraea PH
- Romerillo PH#1, PH#2
- “Root Beer” Plant PH
- Rose Gentian PH, IM
- Rose Mallow IM#1, IM#2
- Rose Mallow, Crimson-Eyed IM
- Rose Pink PH
- Rose, Pasture IM
- Rose, Virginia PH
- Round-leaf Sarsaparilla PH#1, PH#2, IM
- Round-leaf Greenbriar PH#1, PH#2, IM
- Ruda PH#1, PH#2
- Rue PH#1, PH#2
- Ruellia IM
- Rugel’s Plantain IM
- Rusty Blackhaw PH
- Sabal PH#1, PH#2
- Sabino Macho PH, IL
- Sacred Datura PH
- Sage, Arizona MKg, MKj
- Sage, Black PH#1, PH#2
- Sage, Blue PH
- Sagebrush PH#1, PH#2, PH#3, PH#4, IM
- Sagebrush, Sand PH#1, PH#2
- Sage, Chisos PH
- Sage, Cleveland’s PH
- Sage, Cochise PH#1, PH#2
- Sage, Hummingbird or Scarlet PH, MKg, MKj
- Sage, Pitcher MKg, MKj
- Sage, Purple PH, MKg, MKj
- Sage, Texas Red PH
- Sage, White PH#1, PH#2, PH#3, MKg, MKj
- Saguaro Cactus PH
- Salal PH , MKg, MKj
- Saltbush PH#1, PH#2, PH#3
- Salvarial PH#1, PH#2, PH#3
- Sandalwood IL
- Sand Sage, Sand Sagebrush PH#1, PH#2
- Sand Verbena PH
- Sangre de Drago PH#1, PH#2
- Sanicle, Black PH
- Sarsaparilla PH#1, PH#2, IL
- “Sarsaparilla”, American PH#1, PH#2, PH#3
- Sarsaparilla, Round-leaf PH#1, PH#2, IM
- Sarsaparilla, Shrubby IM
- Sarsaparilla, Smooth PH, IM
- Sarsaparilla, Western PH#1, PH#2, PH#3, MKg, MKj
- Sassafras IL
- Sauco IL
- Saw Palmetto PH#1, PH#2
- Scammony IL
- Scarlet Globemallow PH#1, PH#2, PH#3
- Scarlet Globemallow, Little PH#1, PH#2
- Scarlet Sage PH, MKg, MKj
- Scopola IL
- Scotch Broom PH
- Scouring Rush IM
- Seawrack IL
- Senega, Plains PH
- Senega Snakeroot PH, IL
- Senna, Alexandria IL
- Senna, Annual IM
- Senna, Arizona PH
- Senna, Desert PH
- Senna, Desert PH
- Senna, Tinnevelly IL
- Senita Cactus PH
- Serpentaria PH#1, PH#2
- Serviceberry PH#1, PH#2
- Sheep Sorrel PH
- Shepherd’s Purse PH
- Shooting Star PH#1, PH#2
- Shrubby Sarsaparilla IM
- Siempreviva PH
- Silk Tassel PH, IL, MKg, MKj
- Silver “Sage” PH
- Skullcap PH
- Skullcap, Arizona PH
- Skullcap, California MKg, MKj
- Skullcap, Greater PH
- Skullcap, Hyssop IM
- Skullcap, Mad Dog PH
- Skullcap, Marsh PH#1, PH#2, PH#3
- Skullcap, Mountain PH
- Skullcap, Plains PH
- Skullcap, Prairie PH#1, PH#2, PH#3, PH#4
- Skullcap, Wright’s PH#1, PH#2
- Skunk Cabbage, Eastern PH, IM
- Skunk Cabbage, Western PH, MKg, MKj
- Skunkbush PH#1, PH#2
- Slippery Elm, California PH, IL
- Smooth Sumach PH, IM
- Snakehead PH, IM, IL
- Snakeroot, Arizona PH#1, PH#2, PH#3
- Snakeroot, Button PH#1, PH#2, IM
- Snakeroot, Button PH
- Snakeroot, California PH#1, PH#2
- Snakeroot, Canada or Black PH, IM
- Snakeroot, Kansas PH#1, PH#2, PH#3, IM
- Snakeroot, Missouri PH#1, PH#2, PH#3
- Snakeroot, Pale Kansas PH#1, PH#2
- Snakeroot, Senega PH, IL
- Snakeroot, Virginia PH#1, PH#2
- Snakeroot, White PH
- Snakeweed PH
- Sneezeweed, Orange or Mountain PH, MKg, MKj
- Snow Brush PH#1, PH#2, MKg, MKj
- Soap Bark IL
- Soapberry PH
- Soaptree Yucca PH
- Soapwort PH
- Sombrerillo PH
- Solomon’s Seal PH
- Solomon’s Seal, False PH#1, PH#2, PH#3
- Solomon’s Seal, Great PH#1, PH#2
- Solomon’s Seal, Starry PH
- Solomon’s Seal, Three-Leaved False PH
- Sonoran Passion Flower PH#1, PH#2
- Sorrel, Sheep PH
- Sorrel, Wood IM
- Spanish Broom PH
- Spanish Moss PH
- Speedwell PH
- Speedwell, Birdseye PH
- Spikenard, American PH#1, PH#2, MKg, MKj
- Spikenard, California PH#1, PH#2, PH#3, MKg, MKj
- Spikenard, Spreading PH#1, PH#2, PH#3
- Spiraea, Rock PH
- Spotted Beebalm PH
- Spotted Joe-Pye PH
- Spruce, Engelmann PH
- Spruce Fir IL
- Squawberry, Squawbush PH#1, PH#2
- Squaw Root PH
- Squaw Root, Mexican PH
- Squaw Vine PH#1, PH#2, IM
- Squill IL
- Squirting Cucumber IL
- Star Grass PH
- Starry Solomon’s Seal PH
- Stillingia PH#1, PH#2, PH#3
- Stinging Nettle PH#1, PH#2
- St. Johnswort PH#1, PH#2, IM
- St. Johnswort, Golden IM
- St. Johnswort, Western PH
- Stoneseed PH
- Storax, American PH
- Storax, Oriental IL
- Strawberry, Virginia IM
- Strawberry, Wild PH
- Stream Orchid PH#1, PH#2
- Stream Orchid, Giant PH#1, PH#2, PH#3, MKg, Mkj
- Sulphur Flower Buckwheat MKg, MKj
- Sumach, Evergreen PH
- Sumach, Little-leaf MKg, MKj
- Sumach, Poison IM
- Sumach, Smooth PH, IM
- Sumach, Three-leaved PH#1, PH#2
- Sundew, Narrow PH
- Sundew, Round-leaved PH
- Swallow-wort, Black IM
- Swamp Root PH, IM
- Sweet Cicely PH
- Sweet Cicely, Mountain PH
- Sweet Cicely, Northern PH, MKg#1, MKj#1, MKg#2, MKj#2
- Sweet Flag IM, IL
- Sweet Gum Tree PH
- Sweet Root PH, MKg#1, MKj#1, MKg#2, MKj#2
- Sweetvetch, Alpine PH
- Sword Fern, Western PH